Feliway Friends Refill 48ml
Constant support for harmony in households with more than one cat.
Constant support for harmony in households with more than one cat.
Aids in alleviating signs associated with tension and conflict in multi cat households.
Pheromones can help change emotional states or active physiological affects in cats by inducing changes to the limbic system and hypothalamus. Mother cats naturally emit a pheromone message to their kittens after birth to help them feel safe and secure. This "harmony marker" helps maintain a harmonious bond between them.
The pheromone released by Feliway Friends is a chemical copy (analogue) of the natural cat appeasing pheromone (C.A.P) released by mother cats from the intermammary sulcus during the nursing period.
- Feliway Friends significantly decreases the intensity and frequency of signs of tension in households with more than one cat.
- Visible improvements seen as early as 7 days.
- Clinically proven in homes with newly occurring fighting or fighting lasting for several years.
- Feliway Friends helps prevent unwanted tension and conflicts between cats after introducing a new cat/kitten at home.
- Together with Feliway helps prevent urine spraying or scratching with signs of conflict
- Easy to use, continuous plug in diffuser
- Each Refill lasts up to 30 days
- Covers up to 70m2
- Replacement refills available separately
- Multiple diffusers recommended for large homes
- 30 day money back guarantee
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See SHIPPING & Delivery for more information.

Once your order leaves our warehouse and is scanned into the New Zealand Couriers network you will be sent track and trace details via email. You can use these track and trace details to keep an eye on your order, and when it will be delivered.

Payment is required when you place your order, you can checkout with your credit card, via online banking or in instalments with Afterpay or ZIP. Note: Your order confirmation is your tax invoice, as we endeavour to become more environmentally friendly, we no longer print and include copies of tax invoices with orders

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