Is a holistic vet better for my dog?
So should you use a holistic vet for pets, particularly if they may have some more complicated allergy type cases.
Well certainly the vets at RBC take a holistic approach looking at exercise, the home environment, nutrition and all the other clinical factors that may be affecting your pet.
So as vets get more specialised in their areas of expertise there's a lot of sharing of knowledge and so you can get quite an all-rounded well-rounded level of care from your local vet practice.
Certainly at our practice we look at evidence-based medicine so we go back to the evidence you know to make sure that we're recommending things that we know will work.
Sometimes some of the complementary or alternative medicines they may seem great on testimonials but they don't have the robust scientific evidence to back it up and I guess you know we're just a bit cautious about recommending those types of treatments unless we can put hand on heart and know that there's really good evidence out there to support it.
But certainly complementary treatments, there's some homoeopathic options now, acupuncture and lots of other you know treatment modalities that you could try.
Certainly as vets get more specialised - just as in the human field - there are some really good options for you for getting specialised care. We have dermatologists now, we have medicine specialists who've studied to look at stomach allergens and stomach sensitivities.
So yeah, there's some very well trained, very specialised vets out there who would be able to provide the type of care that you need.

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